Parkdale Parent's Association (PPA)

2024 Committee Members

President: Shane Stevenson

Vice President: Ange Fragiacomo

Treasurer: Annabelle Coomerawel-Mortimer

Secretary: Anna McDonald

PPA rep for school council: Fiona Stockdale  


Parkdale Parents Association (PPA) is a group of enthusiastic parents, who come together to share ideas and plan events including fundraising opportunities for the benefit of our school community. PPA provides a friendly forum for parents to work closely with the Principal/Vice Principal to achieve common goals. Our monthly meetings provide an opportunity for individuals/groups to bring ideas and suggestions to a gathering of like - minded parents whose aim is to provide a fun, happy school environment.


PPA is a great way to meet and connect with other parents and make new friends. As a member you can come along to as many or as few meetings as you want. You will receive a copy of each meeting’s minutes and by reading the minutes and receiving emails you will be kept informed about what is going on in our school community. This way you are able to put your hand up to help out at any of the events that interest you. PPA warmly welcomes involvement from as many parents as possible.


Meetings are held each term, on the second Friday at 9:15am in the school staffroom.


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